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BRPC - Executive Committee Meeting - Apr. 4th, 2024

Thu April 4th 2024 at 04:00 PM
Virtual/Teleconference only

This will be a virtual meeting as allowed by Ch. 2 of the Acts of 2023 extending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c.30 sec.20 until March 31, 2025.

To participate virtually join the Zoom meeting at:
Meeting id: 392 612 8831, Phone: 646.558.8656, 646 931 3860, 312.626.6799, 301 715 8592

Meeting materials are on BRPC’s website: Click the calendar of events, then the meeting name, and follow the link to materials.


  1. Call to Order & Open Meeting Law Statement (4:00)
  2. Roll Call of Executive Committee Members Attending the Meeting
  3. Vote to Approve Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting of March 7, 2024* (4.05)
  4. Financial Reports (4:10)
    1. Vote to Approve the March 1 2024 to March 28, 2024, Expenditures Report*
    2. Report on the Accounts Receivable/ Assessments – February 2024
    3. Report on the Line of Credit
  5. Suggestions from Berkshire Regional Planning Commission Delegates and Alternates
    about Items or Topics for Future Meetings (4:15)
  6. Items Requiring Action* (4:20)
    1. Vote to Approve the Salary Merit Increase Range and Personnel Pay Plan for FY 25*
    2. Vote to Approve the Submission of a Grant Application to MassCEC’s EMPower
      Innovation and Capacity Building Program*
    3. Vote to Approve the Submission of a Grant Application to MassCEC’s EMPower
      Implementation Grant Program*
  7. Committee Reports and Discussion (4:35)
    1. Berkshire Brownfields Committee
    2. Commission Development Committee
    3. Transportation Advisory Committee
    4. Municipal Planning Organization (MPO)
  8. Executive Director’s Report (4:40)
    1. Report on New Contracts / Agreements
    2. Berkshires Tomorrow Inc. (BTI) Update
    3. Staff Updates
    4. Rural Policy Advisory Commission (RPAC) Update
    5. Passenger Rail
    6. MassDOT Transportation Innovation Conference 2024
    7. MMA Western and Rural Mass Conference
    8. 5th Thursday Dinner
    9. Consent to Reduce the 120-day Notification Requirement for Two APR
  9. Old Business (4:45)
    1. No Old Business
  10. New Business (4:45)
    1. Discussion About a More Focused Approach Related to Proposed Legislation
    2. May Commission Meeting
  11. Adjournment (5:00)

    - Unapproved Minutes of the March 7, 2024, BRPC Executive Committee Meeting
    - March 1, 2024 to March 28, 2024 Expenditures Report
    - Accounts Receivable Report – March 2024
    - Line of Credit Report
    - Executive Director’s Memorandum
    - Proposed FY 25 Personnel Pay Plan
    - Unapproved Minutes of the March 14, 2024 Commission Development Committee
    - Unapproved Minutes of the March 19, 2024 Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting
    - Unapproved Minutes of the March 26, 2024 Metropolitan Planning Organization Meeting
    - Resume – Liana Rice
    - Resume – Sophie Carnes Jannen
    - Proposed APR maps - Sheffield
    * Items Requiring Action